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Kratom Products

Safely Use Kratom Products


Being safe while using kratom dietary supplements is imperative, while it’s been confirmed by many science officials and government authorities, that kratom itself is not harmful, when consumed in proper dosages. However, there are many fake kratom products & knockoffs out there, and anyone using these products should be aware of this & know what signs to look for, or the consequences could be fatal.

1.) Do not use random products without researching the product, thoroughly.

Use the internet to do the research, by relying upon other peoples experiences & knowledge. One way to do kratom product research is to find video testimonials and reviews on YouTube, Google, forums, scientific journals, and many other places.

2.) You should be at least 21 to use this product, legally, in most states at least.

Most of the country allow the sale of kratom products, for people 18 years and older.

3.) Know what other consumer’s are saying about particular products, by reading their reviews.

It’s very important to know and understand the physiological aspects of customer’s, such as opinions, testimonies, experiences, side effects, and overall rating of the product, and they’re likelihood to purchase it again.

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4.) If you read a story about a particular general head shop accessory item, in addition to products brand or manufacturer involved in a accidental overdose or serious side effect, you should under no circumstances consume the product in question.

Do not take chances, this world can be very unforgiving and unfair, to even the best of people. Keep your family, friends, and children safe, by educating them on the proper ways to use medication and dietary supplements.

5.) Once you’ve found a brand that you can trust, stick with it, and avoid venturing out to test other products, it’s very likely to start a chain of events, resulting in the use of many products.

This is one of the most dangerous things one can do, simply , because the average retail outlet, will carry local brands, that are in fact, illegally run operations.

These types of events occurred a lot, within the herbal incense and bath salts industry, which by now, should be completely illegal on a Federal, State, and Local level across the United States of America.

6.) Unfortunately, the majority of kratom supplies being manufactured in the U.S.A, are not examined and evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA),  Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and other major agency, and can contain lethal doses.

7.) Do not attempt to make this product in you’re home, and especially, do not sell it or give it to others, without the proper licenses, facilities, equipment, law knowledge, and product toxicology reports

Making this product in your own home, can be very dangerous and could result in legal repercussions. Even the largest manufacturers and distributors of these products, are under very strict scrutiny from the Federal government and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and rightfully so.

 These products need to be monitored, tested, re-tested, and under the radar, because of the unfortunate side effects many of these types of products have created

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But, if you are going to do it, at least do it in the safest manner possible. That’s all I am asking of you!

8.) Under no circumstances, should you be operating heavy machinery, vehicles, or playing with or around dangerous things & activities.

♦ Breaking this rule and step, can land you with a DUI or even much more extremely horrific results, that you’ll never forgive yourself for.


Take half of the recommended dosage, for your first few experiences, to determine the level of tolerance, you’re body is accustom to. Many products, especially the liquid shots, recommend taking 1/2 a serving and then waiting for a period of 15-20 minutes, before consuming anymore.



This is always, one of the absolutely most important things one must do, before moving ahead. It’s a dangerous world and those whom are endangering others, by creating an impure product, have a significant chance of finding themselves arrest, and going to prison, for a very long time. And, I mean the penitentiary, not jail.

10.) Always, keep out of reach of children, teenagers, young adults, animals, and even full grown adults.

You should speak to a doctor or doctor’s representative, and ask them, if the supplement is right for you, based off of the sum of you’re health strengths and weaknesses.

Women whom are pregnant, thinking about getting pregnant, having unprotected inter-course, or trying to get pregnant, should not take any kratom dietary supplement or any closely related supplements, for example; Kava Kava, Blue Lotus, Salvia, Damiana, etc.

Always take your dietary supplements, like kratom, and put them away, hidden, where there is ZERO chance of your child finding & getting access to these items. I recommend parents do not even bring it into their houses, but if they insist on doing so, I highly recommend buying a safe & locking the items inside it.

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